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Vmware workstation 12 windows 10 1803 free -


Note : This content was created for Windows 10, but the basic principles and tasks outlined also apply to your deployment of Windows This operational tutorial is intended for IT professionals and Workspace ONE administrators of existing production environments. Both current and new administrators can benefit from using this tutorial. Familiarity with networking and storage in a virtual environment is assumed, including Active Directory, identity management, and directory services.

The Workspace ONE UEM update service for Windows 10 provides tailored functionality to address vmware workstation 12 windows 10 1803 free unique constraints of managing updates in the cloud. Traditional operating system upgrades use a wipe-and-replace model. In contrast, the update-as-a-service model pushes the approval and configurations for the periodic operating system and feature updates.

Windows 10 updates occur on a frequent and dynamic basis to ensure that end-users always have access to up-to-date operating system features.

For more details, refer to diagnostic data settings that provide insight into the type of data collected at each level. Windows 10 leverages a system called Windows Update for Business, also known as WUfB, that is responsible for scans, downloads, and installations of device updates.

Windows updates fall into the following two categories: Feature Updates and Quality Updates. For vmware workstation 12 windows 10 1803 free information, refer to What is Windows Update for Business?

Microsoft releases new significant updates roughly every six months, known as Semi-Annual or Feature Updates. These updates typically become available during Vmware workstation 12 windows 10 1803 free and Fall and include new features, visual improvements, experience changes, and security enhancements.

These updates can be sizeable and require more testing than the smaller Quality Updates, vmware workstation 12 windows 10 1803 free follow a weekly or sometimes daily release cadence. Microsoft releases smaller, minor updates more frequently called Quality Updates. In a business environment, you control certain aspects of how and when these get deployed to devices through the Mobile Device Management MDM framework.

Unlike Feature Updates, they do not include new features but instead focus on bug fixes, errors, reliability, and security. The updates are minor and tend to be much less disruptive than a Feature Update; however, it is crucial to ensure you have the same plans to handle these updates as you do for Feature Updates. Once a month, multiple Quality Updates are combined into a Cumulative Update.

These updates combine multiple versions of a KB Knowledge Base, or the solution patch to a known issue which corresponds to a knowledge base into a single update, simplifying deployment and lowering user and device disruption.

Cumulative Updates operate and are managed almost exactly like Quality Updates with one key exception; they are not eligible for rollback. While individual KBs may be removed from a device depending on classification and reverted to the previous version, cumulative updates include multiple versions.

Therefore, they cannot rollback since there is no previous all-inclusive version to revert to once installed. Several methods are available to control how and when to apply updates to a device or set of devices. Note on the usage of Deferral and Pause: It is imperative, to both the security of the Windows devices and the smooth running of all software, to thoroughly test vmware workstation 12 windows 10 1803 free patches, and any issues are remediated where needed, within the day deferral period days for Feature updates or the 35 day vmware workstation 12 windows 10 1803 free period.

At the end of these periods, patches may automatically begin to download and install. Suppose an admin has decided to configure all updates to Require Update Approval by the administrator. Require Update Approval negates the need to use the pause or deferral settings since all updates are made available to devices only after being approved. Microsoft also retains the ability to override any approval process, forcing updates to be applied to devices circumventing approval processes.

The following microsoft 2013 installer free details each Windows Update category, the granularity level supported for controlling update approvals, and an estimated frequency based on historical trending. Partial Approval Control does not mean that all updates within that category disregard the setting, just that there are some updates within this category that Microsoft can configure to override this setting.

Frequency estimates are based on how frequently Microsoft has published updates recently and should not be interpreted to indicate how these are published in the future.

Vmware workstation 12 windows 10 1803 free that override the approval controls may also not report to the Workspace ONE UEM Vmware workstation 12 windows 10 1803 free either available for the device or installed on the device. Leveraging update deferral ensures devices do not install any of these updates. Before the expiration of the deferral period, adobe fireworks cs6 offline installer free all updates.

Updates do not install vmware workstation 12 windows 10 1803 free the deferral period has lapsed, even if the update is approved before the lapse when using update approval in conjunction with deferrals. Updates left in an un-approved state require approval before installing. However, there are exceptions to this, including end-of-service dates and Microsoft's ability to force specific updates at any time regardless of the approval process.

For devices that require rollback, leverage the CSP nodes to build a custom settings profile. Example profile to remove the last feature update. Updates can also be removed with the Windows Update Standalone Installer wusa.

Example WUSA command. The modern deployment approach uses multiple deployment rings with a production deployment ring set to Require Approval for all patches.

It may be decided after some time to move the production rings to be auto-approved as well. The following modern deployment approach is recommended by VMware to provide a more modernized update procedure and to take advantage of the update functionality provided by Microsoft and Workspace ONE UEM.

If additional testing is needed, Windows Insider Updates could have advantages in highlighting any potential software incompatibilities sooner, providing additional time to remediate. For updates controlled using the Approval process, approvals can be set at either the device vmware workstation 12 windows 10 1803 free per-device or for all devices within a Smart Group. Updates can be approved or unapproved at a device level per-device from within the console by selecting that device.

Available updates are marked with a gray circle with a hyphen and, нажмите чтобы перейти selected, can be approved. Upon approval, that update installs at the next sync. Updates that are Approved can be Unapproved in the same way.

Unapproving an Approved update vmware workstation 12 windows 10 1803 free the update from installing on devices where it was previously approved, as long as the installation of that update has not started. When assigning an update to a Smart Group, the update is approved for each device in the Smart Group. In cases where an update is assigned to an ineligible device, that update is still shown as approved for the device but is never downloaded.

Using the same method, it is possible to unassign updates from Smart Groups, which stops the update from installing on devices where it was previously approved. Approving or assigning an update that is ineligible e. This is due to the update having never been available to the device being queried for a corresponding status. Where needed, a separate role can be configured with the following permissions to allow access:.

To simplify this process, you can find the exported admin role by clicking the More tab at the top of this page, then downloading the Export-DeviceUpdatesAdmin. In addition, any GPO settings that are in place to control Windows Update must also be removed from the device. Devices used перейти на страницу the initial testing must have SCCM software updates deactivated.

This can be done in SCCM by creating a collection and adding the test devices to this collection. With the привожу ссылку updates deactivated, the WUfB profile can be pushed to the test devices and validated. If needed, a sensor can be used to detect if MDM update controls have been applied and if so, remove the GPO settings. It is understood that this is to occur in a phased process over time for selected batches of devices.

Since deploying the profile alone does not activate it, it is safe to deploy to all devices at once. SCCM can create multiple collections with membership based on a percentage of the total device count. Software updates can be deactivated on these collections one at a time, allowing a phased approach to moving to WUfB.

Any GPOs that contain mixed settings Windows Update settings and other settings need to be revised and updated to remove the Windows Update settings.

Deploying this sensor catches any device that is not connected to the domain. This sensor detects if the profile has been vmware workstation 12 windows 10 1803 free to the device and then removes the Registry settings associated with GPO, restarts the Windows Update service, and performs a scan. The result returned by the sensor can be used to validate that the devices have switched over from GPO management. Before Feature Updates are applied to devices, each device must be evaluated to ensure it does not vmware workstation 12 windows 10 1803 free versions of software installed that are not supported by the new version of the OS.

For example, for an upgrade to Windows 10 versionthe list might be as follows:. A sensor is used to determine the readiness of each device see Appendix: Feature Updates Улыбнуло! adobe premiere elements 12 mac free вас Dashboardwhich returns one of the following results:. In most instances, devices should pass the software prerequisites for the OS update since the newer versions of the applications will have Auto deployment method configured.

In instances where the installation may have failed or when the application deployment method was set to On Demand, automation can be used to push the newer app to affected devices. If a device already has the newer version of the application assigned to it, a Workspace ONE Intelligence automation can be used to vmware workstation 12 windows 10 1803 free the application directly to the device:. In instances where the application has not been assigned to the device, it can either be assigned and the direct deployment method used as described above or the device can be tagged and a Smart Group configured to build membership based on the tagged devices:.

Windows Feature Updates are released twice per year; however, a new cumulative version of the update is released every month. This simplifies the update process since it means that after updating, the device is immediately up-to-date and does not require previously released patches.

When approving a Feature Update for distribution to devices, it is recommended to approve the latest version of the update for all devices. This means that once testing is completed for a Feature Update, it may be necessary to test the latest current cumulative update on a device that has already been updated with the Feature Update. Since no new features are introduced, testing should be limited to cover the delta between the tested Feature Update and the newly approved Feature Update.

The screenshot below shows all Feature Updates and their published date that have been reported by all enrolled devices. Older updates that report no devices are standard since the new updates replace those updates. You can follow the standard approval process, where updates are assigned to a Smart Group representing a distribution ring.

The assigned devices receive the go-ahead to download the update at the next Windows Update scan. Windows Updates are approved by assigning them to a set of Smart Groups, for example, Ring 0 through Ring n. The Smart Groups, by default, include all devices irrespective of device models. A new set of Smart Groups can be created to include only the compatible models for the given patch.

The example below shows a Smart Group for Ring 0, which can include only the applicable models which are compatible. Once created, these Smart Groups can be used instead of the regular Smart Groups. When the issues related to the patch are remediated, the Smart Group can be updated to include the missing devices, or the patch can be assigned to the regular Ring 0 through n Vmware workstation 12 windows 10 1803 free Groups.

To achieve this, we need to leverage Workspace ONE Intelligence, which is covered in the next section. The Smart Groups, by default, include all devices irrespective of its current OS version.

A new set of Smart Groups can be created to include only the compatible OS versions. The example below shows a Smart Group for Ring 0 with all devices except devices running Windows


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